The Modern Premiere of Anton Reicha's F minor String Quartet

Nov 25, 2011 13:51

My friends in the San Francisco or Palo Alto areas might be interested: this weekend the New Esterhazy Quartet is giving the modern premiere of Anton Reicha's fabulous F minor String Quartet, Opus 94 No. 3, on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, November 26th and 27th, together with quartets by Haydn, Zmeskall, and Beethoven. I consulted with the group on their selection and provided them with the musical parts for the Reicha quartet. I dearly wish I could attend these recitals, but alas it was not meant to be. The concert details will remain at the foot of the group's homepage through the weekend:

Update: The irrepressible calimac posted a brief review of the latter of these two concerts. I'm so delighted he was able to make it! Since I couldn't attend myself, if I could have formally appointed a proxy to attend in my stead, it would have been him.
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