transience and transposition

Oct 20, 2011 14:44

On a slope by a highway with others, in a yard, and on wheels there is a huge long rail that comes loose and rolls down the slope, straight into on-coming traffic, and I run after it to watch, horrified, unable to stop it, and in the distance it strikes vehicle after vehicle and a whole series of crashes occur and then suddenly all the disaster is sweeping towards me at speeds much too great to outrun or avoid and a horrific calamity of metal is coming towards me but then in front of it, leading the charge, are two white horses running and one of the horses is almost on top of me and suddenly the force and being and spirit of the horse envelopes me and projects me instantaneously to a place hundreds of meters further along and on the far side of the highway, out of harm’s way, and that’s where we are, standing not running, standing not being blasted aside or crushed, standing facing one another in silent communication, inside a bubble of space or time, protected, alone, however briefly, a white horse and I am alone.
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