Title: No Talking In The Library (Quiet Coming Is Permitted)
lokifanWord count: ~2200
Characters/pairings: Ron/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Eighth-year. Ron and Draco, hiding their relationship, meet in the library for some private time. Draco just can’t keep quiet.
Warnings: inappropriate use of "silencio" ;)
Disclaimer: The boys and girls belong to JKR, even though I’m often much nicer to them than she is.
Author’s Notes: This is a VERY belated Christmas present for
jacobnorman, since she did not receive enough presents that reflect her awesome this year! She prompted me with art of Ron and Draco [and her] in the Hogwarts library. It’s also for the “gags/silence” prompt on my Kink Bingo card.
No Talking In The Library (Quiet Coming Is Permitted)