Vonny Radstone, Vonny Watts, Jean Hatchet.

Aug 29, 2024 16:22

Decided to put all the evidence here. "Jean" has been helpful by posting many photos, including one of her tattoo of a vagina on her arm. One wonders how far a male would get with dick and balls tattooed on his arm?
Vonny/Jean began as Vonny Browes. Yvonne Lesley Browes, born Oct 1966, South Yorkshire (thanks Company House). Grammar school gal Vonny then married Mr Fiddament, poor guy, but not for long, She then wed local businessman Richard Watts, whom she falsely accused of rape. They had a daughter, Frances, who graduated with a third rate degree from a fourth rate campus, Leeds Beckett.
Now to what Jean/Vonny wants kept quiet. She was a right wing Tory who quit the party after realising that she was never going to get anywhere in Sheffield.
Here are a few links.


Supporting George Osbourne.

Who can afford to splurge £3000 on first class flights to Atlanta?


Her fave paper is the Gruaniad here it is on the battle royal between Liberals and Tories in the posh bit of Sheffield.


That pretty much covers Vonny and the Tories. She moved to Labour and this seems to be her high water mark.


Her own worst enemy, she blind sided Olivia Blake. Unwise. Vonny/Jean claims to have had terminal cancer for a decade.

Her embezzlement peaked with the dead puppy scandal, Ethel the wolf hound. Alas, apart from opting for daft Victorian names for her pets, she told far too many lies "We sang to her as she was dying"..."My ex poisoned her"...you better get South Yorkshire plod onto that. Once she knew that Labour wouldn't make her an MP or PM she quit/was expelled. Likewise the WEP. Running out of parties, only the Liberals left.

She is desperate to have clear blue water between Vonny Watts "right wing Tory bin campaigner" and Vonny Radstone "pleast lett me back into Labour so that I can rule the world". Anonymity always matters to Jean/Vonny, it would be a pity if anyone outed her.
Vonny is odd, spwnds much of her time going on about being a "strong woman" then running to Old Bill and crying about being "very vulnerable".

Her name was given on a bail form, variously, as "Vinnie Redstone" and "Vondra Rodstone" they couldn't even be bothered to spell it correctly.

conservatives, a livejournal, britain, gender, fairie hound, oldham athletic

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