Criminal Justice - Elon Musk, 3.5% and protest in the UK.

Aug 06, 2024 17:23

It would appear the Elon Musk is correct and that Britain is embarking on a civil war. Keir Jong-Un Starmer ought to be told that only 3% to 3.5% of a population is needed to win a revolution. 97% sit indoors and watch on T.V. Perhaps more worrying is Stephen Parkinson of the CPS (Clown Prosecution Service) who wants extradition for Tommy Robinson (T.R The Resistance). I eschew Tommy's Islamophobia but this has been buiding for decades. Ireland will, of course hand over anyone and everyone it deems subversive (for which read an IQ above room temperature). Thing is, one must have a plan. Hunger strike to the death? Don't imitate Tommy, who went on one then came off after 12 hours as he was "peckish". Organisations such as "Stop deaths in police custody" are useful.

a livejournal, hibernia, britain, director, islam

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