Xu Muxue and pig slaughtering.

Nov 11, 2023 16:09

Writing this, as it may as well go into the public domain. Last night, before logging off, on a site for folks networking on the jobs front, I was contacted by a young female, with a French name. She then sent a private message asking where I was from. Ireland. "Ireland is my favourite city". By now, tongue in cheek, I corrected her. Next thing "I am Xu Muxue and live in Sweden". She wanted me to go onto another site. I replied that...I am old and not looking for romance...I am poor and not looking to invest in crypto currencies...I am the wrong person to scam.
I did add that I am against the British and Irish regimes (ostensibly the same). Iran and North Korea are not serious players, no money up front, China and Russia? Happy to help, I am not anti American, merely looking for money owed to me.

conservatives, qingdao, stalin, zhivoi zhurnal, giant panda

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