Strategic use of hunger strikes, political prisoners - UK.

Nov 01, 2023 16:13

You may not have read "The Green Book". It is the PIRA equivalent of "King's regulations". If captured, a volunteer loses rank. The volunteer's demeanour is at the discretion of his officer commanding.
Once in a police station, what next? Hunger strike to the death for political prisoners status (special category status). For the first three days the body burns glycogen, then for three weeks body fat (four weeks in my case) then internal organs. You may not wish to wait that long, so if you have essential hypertension go off meds. After 48 hours there will be a result.
Swear allegiance to either RIRA/dissident republicans or Al Qae'da/Hamas. These are the two main organisations who will sentence a judge, the police or an informer to death "in absentia".
I am happy to die for what I believe in, but far happier for someone else to die for it.
Don't do a Tommy Robinson on it, went on hunger strike then came off after 12 hours as he was "peckish".
If possible, an organisation such as "Stop deaths in police custody UK" can be useful.

uganda, britain, zhivoi zhurnal, oldham athletic, miscarriages of justice, "barnsley"

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