Lorna Woodnutt and the Rahan murder.

Sep 30, 2023 15:55

This is an important blawg post. Yesterday, just before 1 pm, a 16 year old "boy" murdered Lorna Woodnutt in the rural setting of Rahan, near a small midland town in Ireland - Tullamore. He then uploaded the aftermath to "Snapchat" who took it down but not before it went viral. Here goes. It lasts about ten seconds and begins with the teenagers feet, wearing plastic croc style shoes. It then pans to a sledgehammer covered in blood. A smaller hammer is nearby. The body has massive fatal injuries, the face obliterated.
Initial reports were that he is Lithuanian, the Ghanaian. He is Irish. As with one of the murderers of Ana Kriegel he has a 100% Irish name. As with Ana's killers he will probably get a few years in Oberstown Holiday Camp then a new identity all at my and other Irish taxpayers expence. As with Ana Kriegel anyone naming him will get a longer jail term.
Irish judges, the finest money can buy.
There is no primary jurisdiction in cyberspace, an important consideration, he can be named in Northern Ireland and abroad.

hibernia, kremlin, zhivoi zhurnal, far right, ned kelly

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