Sep 18, 2023 18:48
A question I read today. Now, define sex addict? Michael Douglas? JFK? MLK? Bonobo monkeys? Perhaps psychiatrists dream up new illnesses, if wanting to shag women is an "addiction" then most of the men in the world would plead guilty. Is that an exculpation for Russell Brand? He admitted to being a junkie. Then an alcoholic (far nobler). A twenty year old allegation was given to the police in London today. One cannot prove guilt nor innocence after such a lengthy gap. It is dubious that "Alice" who is launching a media career came forward when she did. Timing. The "Times" and "Channel 4 - Dispatches" programme took, supposedly, four years. "Phoebe" seemed more concerned aboyt the lack of a condom. Shades of Julian Assange. Lock up the troublemakers eh?
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