False rape allegations, Russell Brand.

Sep 16, 2023 18:03

The lead article on every UK paper online right now is the Russell Brand story. Allegations from 2006 (almost twenty years ago) are surfacing and are we witnessing a new Savile moment, albeit one where the accused is still alive? That Russell Brand is sleazy is not contested but why are "Alice", "Rachel", "Nadia" and "Phoebe" hiding behind anonymity? Or, for that matter - why isn't Russell Brand same initials as Ron Broxted!) being identified prior to any charging? We saw this with Harvey Proctor, Leon Brittan, Lord Brammall and many others. Note - false rape accusers in the UK can be named abroad.

UPDATE. KATHERINE RYAN and SARA PASCOE are behind the initial allegations, more tomorrow. 

zhivoi zhurnal, television

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