Mar 11, 2023 09:00
Apologies for my absence, I was interviewing a retired Assistant Chief Constable for 72 hours in the home counties, very illuminating. Now to Gary Lineker and some introduction for non UK readers. He was a soccer star and never booked for fouling. He was the star of a crisp (potato chip) advert, where he steals kid's crisps. Foreigners didn't get the joke (he was far too nice to do that). Well, Gary went on to be the main voice for BBC soccer, thing is, as with woke witch J.K Rowling, he now thinks he is an expert on everything. Take immigration, coupled with a housing crisis. We are not all on £1 million a year so when Gazza starts yapping about "Nazi Germany" he looks and sounds asinine. Tory policy? I do not see gypsies being gassed, Lineker. If you want to be British you need a nation to be British in. Woke wankers such as Natalie Pirks and Gary do the BBC no favours.
zhivoi zhurnal,
oldham athletic