Dinner with Nick - the avoidance of real issues by Mr Clegg.
Jul 15, 2009 17:00
In an anodyne and soporific exchange Mr Clegg managed to get through a dozen (yes, folk, count them) questions in the curse of one hour on Twitter. He thought the police may have been a bit naughty at the G20 summit. The kind of comment that ranks alongside "We won't be inviting the Hitlers to dinner again". Tibet? That went unanswered, well, all those Duck islands and moats can't be on the same level as genocide now. One witnesses the end of politics, there are only two parties left, the Tories and faux Tories (Labour Lite). The vetting of safe, easy questioning (I had written BE POLITE on my desk) was emphasised by an ignoring of impending Scottish independence and issues of substance. This sorry performance by Mr Clegg leaves me to hold that the chances of a Liberal victory after almost a century in abeyance are on the same level as Gary Glitter working as a babysitter.