Liz Truss, Dizzy Lizzy and the Conservatives.

Oct 14, 2022 15:26

Firstly, my political journey. 1977-2012 far left. Then I wandered into the Liberal Democrats solely as they seemed to want to do something about anonymity pre charging (look up the Harvey Proctor, Cliff Richard and Paul Gambacchini miscarriages of justice). Bozza was forced out and I went Tory. The wettest Tory. Bottom of the Challenger Deep, Marianas trench Tory. Basically a Liberal with blue. The Liberals told me that the two most important issues facing the UK were "the inherent racism of emojis" and "personal pronouns".
Liz Truss did not inspire me and I leaned towards Rish Sunak - now Dizzy Lizzy is making the Tories unelectable for a generation. Between a rock and a hard place? Get rid of her and it is another damaging series of infighting. Britain is looking like Italy, new leader every month.
Shout out to all my gay readers in Dundee!

reform, torygraph, politics, britain, italy, 2022, miscarriages of justice

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