Boy A and Boy B, Ana Kriegel murder, anonymity and legal issues.

Jul 23, 2022 10:31

Irish judges are the finest money can buy. Look at the Ana Kriegel case, almost a dozen decent folks arrested by the goons at Harcourt Street, they will get longer sentences than "Boy" A and "Boy" B. Ron Broxted is read from Nordkapp to Gibraltar, from the Algarve to Crete, anyone arrested over naming the murderers in the Ana Kriegel case must have a plan. Hunger strike to the death for political prisoner status, allegiance to AQIM, ISIS, dissident republicans and/or the Red Army Male Voice Choir.

I am currently reading about Al Capone, I am sure American readers will be interested.
Or Australian readers and Ned Kelly.
Or Alexander the Great and Greek readers.

Isn't Reddit useful for photographs?

Did you know that the UK/Irish governments owe me a yuge amount of money? Pay what you owe, baby. Or take the damages. Plod delenda est. 

hibernia, crime, 2022, year of dragon, ned kelly, slavonic studies

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