Jul 09, 2022 16:02
What is the reason for the world's purported wealthiest man not buying Twitter? It seems to hinge on a dichotomy in the percentage of spam bots and fake accounts. Twitter states it is a mere small number, the truth is that Elon was uphappy at how much fake news was peddled by what are in essence government accounts. Take the UK. Philip Merrills-Dearn was fined £5000 for dishonesty in the Givot Olam oil scam in Nov 2004. He is now legal boss at Twitter. His 2 i/c is Gordon MacMillan, a reservist with 77th Bde (part of 6th Division, cyber ops). Number Three is Sionaid MacSweeney, ex spokesewoman for the RUC/PSNI, Garda Siochana/Geisha Sayonara and other police bodies.
It is small wonder Musk is walking away from the cess pit. Shadow banning and account banning of dissenters is a poor look when the west lectures Volya on freedom.
"6th division"