Paddy Jackson, Alex Doran, J.K Rowling, Janey Godley

Sep 10, 2021 09:35

Much furore on Twitter over an innocent rugby player - Paddy Jackson was found not guilty of raping Alexandra Doran, daughter of Sean Doran QC. Poor wee Alex thought that she had been filmed hence the RUC/PSNI taking the case.
Now to J K Rowling "J K Rowling ignores porn tweeted to children" there, I've said it, almost as gratifying as when Jean Hatchet/Vonny Watts/Vonny Radstone was outed as an embezzler.
Other good news - Janey Godley is being phuqed over, I am delighted. To conclude today on a question - why is Twitter boss Philip Merrills Dearn so reticent about his £5000 fine for dishonety in November 2004? Anything to do with the Givot Olam oil scam?

conservatives, law, 2021, giant panda

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