Philip Merrills-Dearn, Givot Olam oil scam and Twitter.

Jul 20, 2020 11:32

The head of Twitter's legal department is Philip Ian Merrills-Dearn. What did he do prior to such a post? Well, he used Hewlett Packard headed notepaper in an Isaeli oil scam.

Givot Olam is indeed a registered drilling company, but Merrills-Dearn made outlandish claims regarding investment. This is called dishonesty and landed him with a £5000 fine in Nov 2004.
Jon Goodwin appeared for the Law Society and Richard Nelson for the defence. "Lenstar" were courted as investors. As was maven Lawrence Becker. "Nicholson Graham Jones" legal firm were mentioned.

Whome else is connected to Merrills-Dearn? His second in command is Gordon MacMillan. He also moonlights with 77th Brigade a UK military reserve unit, they connect with GCHQ.

Also at Twitter legal HQ is Sinead McSweeney. She was the erstwhile spokeswoman for the RUC/PSNI and Garda Siochana (Irish police rats). Her late husband was Noel Whelan. He was a Fianna Fail advisor in the early 1990's. Funnily enough, I was unemployed then and my Daddy  never got me a job with FF.

Merrills-Dearn was involved with Ecomco Ltd. Also, his company "BKMD oil Ltd" had Barry Kleinberg on board. Time for a bit of Krav Maga.

crime, kashrut, ward, law, question, jesus

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