Vonny Watts (Jean Hatchet) finally outed.

Dec 10, 2016 11:07

On her increasingly bizarre Twitter feed, notorious ex mental patient (she looks set for another cry for help suicide bid) and ex Tory Cllr (whose career with Labour is now moribund) Vonny Watts has acknowledged that her secret is out, she is indeed "Jean Hatchet" the fool who falsely accused Ched Evans of rape. This blogge would like to thank the brave feminist who came forward with the detail which led to Watts/Hatchet being identifed.
Vonny (Jean) will have far more to worry about than a visit from irate "Fine Young Casuals" of Oldham.
What happened to the issing three grand from the supposed "rape victims fund"? Isn't embezzlement illegal? How much did Supt Jo Ramessur-Williams get as a bribe?

ward, oldham athletic

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