Jackie Coakley, UVA rape hoax.

Dec 08, 2014 17:32

The 4 Chan site took down what it had on Univserity Of Virginia student Jackie Coakley who is now being outed as a false rape accuser. Jackie, honey, move to Britain where nothing would happen except that some innocent guys would be jailed. Do you remember Hertfordshire University and 2004 folks?
Rachel Soltis was Jackie Coakley's room mate yet it was reported to be a girl named Clark. The frat house implicated was Phi Kappa Psi which had massive negative publicity. Ron Broxted is happy to put the record straight.
Finally, what of "Rolling Stone" and its role in this debacle? Firstly it stood by Jackie Coakley's false rape claim now it is unsure. Dear "Rolling Stone", false rape allegations do great harm to feminism.

crime, united states, ward, question

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