Sir David Omand spoke about the needs of protecting Britain (rapidly a template for Airstrip One) into a safe haven, devoid of "terrorists". In order to do this there must (apparently) be a revamp (or curtailment) of civil liberties. Ubiquitous spy cameras (cctv) now have microphones to listen to your conversation. Shades of North Korea or "The Prisoner" - one half expects to see Patrick McGoohan chased by a large bubble. CCTV does not stop crime, it has not even diminished it - the sole argument is that it aids in detection. 99% of cases seem to involve "rioting" so the end question is whom does CCTV benefit?
The other flaw in the Orwellian future of Omand and his ilk is that no other nation seems to feel that stripping citizens of their rights is on the cards. There would be a major uproar in the rest of the E.U if any of ZaNuLabour (or Lib-Con) policies were to be adopted.
copyright Ron Broxted 2010.