Sgt Smellie and President Thieu.

Mar 23, 2010 16:54

"Get down she's got a satsuma and isn't afraid to use it". Do the public know how dangerous orange juice is? Daily our finest thugs (delete, insert "police") keep our streets safe from petite women standing at commemoration services. Yet Delroy Smellie is traduced by muesli-hugging liberals who keep going on about "human rights".
What are Smellie's chances of being "let off"? Britain is currently as bad a bet as Vietnam under Nguyen Van Thieu.
Other news. Saturday 27th March at in Bedford Street, Dublin and outside Castlerea prison Ireland's latest political prisoner involved in the Rossport fiasco will be the focus of a protest.
The Jury Team are fielding a candidate in Cambridge. Will this election see the demise of the two main parties mired in daily sleaze and witness the emergence of small, independent candidates going to Westminster?

independent minds, law

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