The End of the world and the Dogon.

Nov 25, 2009 17:05

Pre-historic contact with aliens or a 1930s astronomy error? Either the Dogon tribe of Mali knew about binary stars (Sirius), relative density and advanced physics or there is a massive wind-up going on. Their faith centres on the Nommo who came to earth. Nothing too radical there, many tribes about the globe hold similar beliefs, but the Dogon seem to have the edge on what turned out to be akin to an "Outer Limits" script. Ancient Egyptians had stories of travellers from the sky bringing wisdom, yet either the Dogon knew before contact with French explorers about Saturn having rings amongst other things or early anthropologists traded information about the night sky. 2012 is touted as (yet another) date for the wold to end. The Mayans are now "reconsidering" the fact that their calendar runs out in December 2012, but are the Dogon correct that there will be a catastrophe? Keep watching the skies and perhaps E.T can lead us out of our mess.

independent minds, africa

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