In the interest of trying to move away from the humdrum that was my life in 2007, I have done a few drastic things. I cut all my hair off and lost a bit of weight. Its amazing what a little weight loss will do for your self esteem and general outlook. Not to mention of course what a change a haircut makes. In RL I had long black curly hair that was just above my butt, it tended to get lanky when I went too long without a haircut and started to thin out. It did look really nice when it was left open though. For the new year and my birthday, I decided to cut it shorter and lighten it. I went by Jowelle...a very professional salon owner who caused a bit of a scandal in my country as she is a male to female transsexual who has had the complete surgery as rumor suggests. But no matter, the fact is that she is absolutely gorgeous and very skilled. When she was through with me I looked completely different and I felt beautiful. I don't feel that way often even though people like to say that I'm pretty. Most of the time I feel pretty ugly and fat, so to actually see a difference and a different me has gone a long way in starting off the new year on a happier note.
Still have no contract at work though, so I will not be paid this month which is going to suck, but they are working on it so I have that assurance at least.
I hope to find a companion this year, I'm even thinking of joining some of those online dating sites and seeing what thing though do they cater for as I've learned we're really called from
olympia_m ambisexual persons???
Anyone have any experience in these things???? Suggestions are welcome.
Loneliness was a big factor in my depressive state last year, I don't want to feel so down again.
Have a good one guys!