Year 1 - Autumn - Harris

Jul 26, 2013 17:46

Hey, it's Bonnie here again.  It's our first autumn here at Lazy River and things have been going pretty well,
no zombies and fresh fruit and vegetables for the first time in.... well, a long time.

I've overheard some of the other settlers talking about me and Milo, they've been saying that we are a waste of valuable resources and should be asked to leave.  That is just ridiculous!  We're always helping Bridget in the garden and having intellectual discussions round the dinner table.  Milo is a really good cook too, he can make a few vegetable taste like, well, a meal!  I don't know how he does it, I don't even try cooking because I would be a disaster.  And to be honest, Bridget doesn't let me help in the garden anymore, not since I accidently squashed an aubergine plant, but seriously, who likes aubergines anyway?  I don't know why she made such a fuss, it's not as if she eats anything herself!  But I still do lots of helpful stuff like, like... like.... let me think on that for a while...

I am getting a bit worried about Bridget, she's been getting all silly over Thorn.  Okay, he's a guy, he's good looking, and yes I would too in the blink of an eye if he looked my way, but seriously, he's been spending an awful lot of time with Scout and I think there might be something going on between them.  Bridget talks about him all the time and it's getting boring, I'm not jealous, I'm not bitter, but I was secretly delighted when she got attacked by a swarm of bees and was covered in hives for a week!  Oh, hang on, someone's coming.  I'll finish this later.

Hello again.  It's starting to snow outside and it getting dark.  Thorn has been working on getting some eletricity up and running before winter sets in properly, he's been making some headway but I'll let him tell you about that.  He's actually a really nice guy when you get to know him, I think I'm having my first crush!  Him and Bridget are still at it like rabbits whenever they get the chance, which is a bit, no make that extremely, awkward, what with Scout just having given birth to his child!  Although he does make my tummy go all funny when he struts about the garden....

Ahem, yes well, moving on, I did something useful!  Really useful!  I learned how to fix the toilet and bath.  Obviously we don't have proper drainage or piped water yet so things were getting pretty smelly.  Now things are.... slightly less smelly.  But no one can say I don't pull my weight anymore.

With winter upon us, Bridget has been sharing out all the fruit and vegetables she has grown, but those Jacksons are so ridiculously stupid.  I know we've had our ups and downs, to put it mildly, but all 3 of them have refused to take anything from us.  I thought Lucas might accept it, he seems the only sensible one, if a bit creepy, I mean, they do have a baby to feed.

The light is really fading and I can barely see the page, so just time for one last surprise!  Bridget had a baby!!  Not a real baby, I mean it didn't come of her youknowwhat.  She was complaining of an itchy scalp and shook her head and there it was!  A little green plant baby thing.  Bridget has named her Rowan.  It'll be nice having a baby around the house, I'm so excited!


Badges: Gardening - Gold
Studied: Studied: Couples Counselling, Lifelong Happiness


Career: Law
Rank: Law Firm Receptionist
Studied: Couples Counselling

bacc, lazy river, sims 2, harris

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