Jul 05, 2008 18:22
Well last night the other half and i were talking about my Moroni research, Nephites, Lamanites, the BoM-
He and I were talking and he said that the thought process plus info that I had for my thought process on Moroni being a nature divinity, possibly a genius locii, made sense-However, he said that what he couldn't give me was the fact that I was attempting to readapt the Nephites and Lamanites as being Daimones Khryseoi and the Daimones Argyreoi. While i did state that yeah it is a stretch but I'm trying to figure out how they all relate-
The other half did go on to say that just by reading a few of the passages of the BoM, his impression on the text was that it read to him as a stream of consciousness-I did go on to say that JS was a metaphysician, into the occult that perhaps with that stream of consciousness maybe there was some communications with the nature divinities of the area that spoke to him and made their was into the BoM as Nephites and Lamanites.
To be honest, I'm fustrated and not sure if I'm in the wrong or just trying to early on and to hard to force them to fit neatly into my Graeco Roman world view-
Maybe these pples, if they do infact exisit-are like the the Hyperboreans. A mythical people who lived in the area of Palmyra New York.
So i guess the purpose of this post is to get a little help from a few friends on here and perhaps an attempt to figure how, these people figure in and work-
So friends, alil advice? :-D
Edit: After writing this the thought of the Nephites and Lamanites being like the Hyperboreans seems to make alil more sense than to force them into the nature divinities. And the connection perhaps he was then deified into a genius locii?
Either way a fresh perspective would be nice gang :-)
genius locii,