May 27, 2011 17:19
My altars are lit, the air thick with incense....offerings made.....
Weaving the different mythologies together to create something uniquely mine, personal and it necessary to do it? I guess my question is, is it important to 'create our own scriptures?'
As I composing and weaving different mythologies together some from various traditions to into one place....I wonder if it's even important? what does it matter. As a pagan it's not like we are a scripture based pple. Sure we have our mythologies and in this day and age I can read about other faiths and their books, and being eclectic - I can take what speaks to me and move on.
But I find myself asking why am I doing it? What point does it serve to do so - the things that i'm borrowing from the various places from my travels from the realms of fiction to the realm of spiritual - what purpose does it serve? Why rework it?
As I write this- i'm find myself having an answer to my question- i'm creating something that reflects my views and ideas-it doesn't matter that all that I'm weaving is true that isn't the point, the point is to weave a story or stories that reflect my views.
For example, I take the text of Jonathan and David, rework it into the story of Pachus and Nephiah, lovers - admist a war with something i have called the Nem'ama'jin. ( the enemy of heaven (ama) folk (jin))- Lovers that fulfill their love only to have it end in sorrow - "And the Tears of Pachus will open the Tomb of Nephihah.". Granted the text for the most part is just that from the book of samuel( i think that is the book) but reworked it to reflect my thoughts.
Or an other example I took the apocryphal text of Adam and Eve after they were expelled from Eden only reworked it to be about Beloveds ( the greek sense ) and renamed the two figures to be that of Lehi and Moroni, which were the only two figures later in the BoM tale that are described as beloveds...just one line but still...yet with in this tale Lehi and Moroni leave paradise with the tribe that leaves with the Rebellious Lord...they travel the new land yet yearn to return to paradise. In these wonderings from where it came I don't know, I have was inspired to have Moroni, shaped from earth two sons, one holding the lotus and the other a pomegranate. And ends with them returning to paradise. Yet the text for the most part until my changes and reworkings is just an apocryphal text.
But I guess my thought and again is why....
Maybe I'm looking for a 'scripture' that reflects me. In away the gay male that so many text forget or leave out or hint at. But here have it be 'in your face' so to speak.
Is that a bad thing? I'm sure there are covens out there that have texts that are created various mythologies that reflects the coven etc. Am I any different?
Is it necessary to create your own scripture? And in your creation are you in away honouring the gods you worship or perhaps the spirits you honour?
personal path