A week ago: Welcome to yr boat . . . the whole world is yr boat, and you have to revise insular sensibilities but ultimately apply them to a broader, chaotic context. This isn't a source of great anxiety or ambition, just interest--and that is all wonderful except for one cause to pause: it is taking a brutal entropic toll. Death, stopping, a fever pitch where there is nothing left to happen. The road to stasis, permanent ceasing of bodily functions. BUT: The conclusions of entropy are at GREAT ODDS with its processes. So is this vortex some weird phase or navigable obstacle, or a specter of loss, or is it something brutally chaotic to be populated with personal elements of order: the world, the terminal challenge of life, the exhilaration of life, the extravagant and long-burning march towards completion. ?
Last night: There's something in the way the gypsies danced to it, it was like this long-burning march, it was joyous but also hysterical and also a grim durge. When this band started out, they would walk in a tuxedo'd line across the countryside, pile onto traincars with goats, get in fights and make their way from wedding to funeral to wedding to funeral. According to "Super 8 Stories" the weddings were always hysterical in the bad way, with shitty food, a separate tent for the band to eat in, long hours, a horror show. At the funerals they would commune, be paid without hassle, party their faces off, make lifelong friends and dine like kings.