Sep 16, 2010 14:05
Why is it that certain people just can’t leave well enough alone? Since the end of July’s game I’ve stayed the hell away from everything Triumph. Certain individuals made it clear they don’t want me around, so I don’t call, don’t write, and avoid them like the plague. Still, I can’t be simply left alone. I get bad mouthed left, right, and center and I know it comes from that corner of the game. It cycles back to me sooner or later.
So it comes back to me that I am being accused of exploiting people, stealing their perk, and in general not being wanted around the game at all. First off I never exploit people. I always pay a fair price for anything I buy, and I sell at the going market rate. I don’t pull shenanigans of raising and lowering prices to manipulate the market. And screw all that anyway. I’m tired of lugging a store to game when no one appreciates it anymore. The accusation of stealing perk is hilarious. You can’t steal perk. Dave has total control of that aspect of the game, and he’ll gladly vouch for me I’m certain. I have never gotten a single point of perk from any of the kitchen staff. And as for those who don’t want me around, I have this for you.
Thank you for ruining my enthusiasm for game just days before an event with your bitter nasty bickering and slanders. I will not let it deter me from attending though, and I hope that as my presence is so distasteful that you gag on it, because I am going to be everywhere. I will have no store to anchor me and that means I’ll be all over the field, on threads, and having a wonderful time. So I hope I ruin your weekend just by being there. As I know some of the originators of these lovely comments, be assured I will make certain I am extra ‘ME’ around you just to really piss in your Cheerios as repayment for all you’ve done for me.