i've been doing this thing for the past two days where i type up an entry and then i hit the backspace key until everything is gone.
i guess i just don't know what i want to say about anything anymore.
i'll make this lighter.
weekend was okay; missed you guys.
met my new baby second cousin who is absolutely adorable. blue eyes, dark hair, and fair skin. yea, i know right. i'm jealous of this kid. he's almost 3 weeks old.
being in the car with rocky (my cousin's husband) = saetia blasting the entire time hahah, everytime i went with him to get stuff for the baby it was playing. loud.
it never dies.
why is tomarrow only wednesday?
so i was leaving chem today and mr.zu's like, "christinaaa MALABUYOCCC" (pronounced perfectly mind you)
and i was like ahhh/!23 and he was like, "what nationality is that again?" "filipino." "no it's not!" "yes it is!" :repeat 3 or 4 more times: "nooo, it can't be!212 IT'S NOT. it has to like like.. armenian or something!" "..k." :shakes head: :leaves:
it's so funny, i bet this is going to go on forever.
he's so awesome lol. i'm pretty sure he's my favourite teacher.
i'm so sore.
it hurts here.
you know what would be really fun?
album art, etc.
my cousin im'ed me with the idea today. and wondering if i'd do something for his friend's band.
sweet idea. except i know no other bands after that hasdfjkl;.
well.. cicatrice? :shrug: lol.
http://img377.imageshack.us/img377/6263/ew3pk.jpgi feel like my design (er that's obviously not mine) is entirely too cliche and stuff now that someone else has done something similar :[ rawrsldr.
&so far of the ones i've seen, i think this one is going to win.
http://img375.imageshack.us/img375/70/ah4uf.jpglike totally.