Jun 26, 2007 22:57
I am in columbus, Maggie and I drove up today for the wedding and everything this weekend and I'm getting ridiculously excited. I'm excited to see people who I haven't seen in a while, even though I'll definitely be sad and thinking of people all weekend who I wish were there (we invited like 130, about 100 will be here, but about 50 of them are just my extended family, so I kind of got the short stick on sending some official invites, even though I don't think people would've been able to come anyways, but it still made me a little sad not to be able to invite like the WHOLE KA house. - but I mean, what if everyone had decided on a road trip and come? I would've been ecstatic, but I think I would have gotten even more flack for getting the privaledge of hosting the wedding in columbus. These things usually happen at the bride's church...)
Maggie and I have all this cute little schedule for the next couple of days of the important times and places and when people are getting in, and we still have a bunch of errands and stuff to run but its all coming together. We finished writing the service and our vows a couple days ago and we're super excited both for the ceremony and for the merriment and festivities to follow. Yeah!!!! Wedding!!!! (sad, but the closer it gets the more laid back I get about things in general and the more excited I get for the fun of chilling out and having a good time.)
I used a couple of long parentheses. This probably indicates lazy writing, but well, we can't always be in proper english writing mode, so SUCK IT GRAMMERIANS!!! not really, i mean, i'm just saying. anyways... excited!@