Feb 21, 2009 12:26
an astronaut - when i was a kid, this was the first dream i wanted to fulfill, whenever someone asked me of what i wanna be when i grow up, i proudly told them, "an astronaut!" maybe this was the result of learning your first alphabets like A is for astronaut!
a librarian - to be with books is so much fun!
a typist - in gradeschool, i was so amazed with people who could type with their 10 fingers at a maximum speed. i didn't think i would also have that typing skill.
a newscaster - when i was in late elementary grades that was the time that i thought of pursuing this dream. this was one drive why i got the keys to the gates of UP. take a peek on my the class prophecies in elementary and high school, being a newscaster i what i really wanted.
a photo editor - this just started when i learned how to use adobe photoshop back in the early college days but originally, might have started since i was three or four when i learned to use the scissors for cutting peoples' heads from pictures. haha!
a video editor - i am really precise that i am a visual learner. watching tv commercials and effects contributes a lot of influence on this. another factor why i pursued my degree!
a teacher - i just loved the job when i got involved in it last year but things had to change. i left the job but still i teach kids on an on-call basis.
a script writer - i really love to write stories but i usually run out of words. o_O
a professional photographer - i love to capture stills but vivid moments. i told you i am fascinated of visuals.
a full time missionary - nothing beats the heartbeat of God, especially when He prompts you that this is your higher calling.
*and a banker didn't come into the list but i am one now. i think the money that i'll earn from this bread and butter could help me land some of those on the list one day!