Nov 29, 2015 01:16
Это чуть больше 49 дней. Встретился в логах fail2ban:
fail2ban.actions [999]: ERROR Failed to start jail 'sshd' action 'firewallcmd-ipset': Error starting action
fail2ban.action [999]: ERROR ipset add fail2ban-sshd timeout 7776000 -exist -- stdout: ''
fail2ban.action [999]: ERROR ipset add fail2ban-sshd timeout 7776000 -exist -- stderr: 'ipset v6.19: The set with the given name does not exist\n'
fail2ban.action [999]: ERROR ipset add fail2ban-sshd timeout 7776000 -exist -- returned 1
fail2ban.actions [999]: ERROR Failed to execute ban jail 'sshd' action 'firewallcmd-ipset' info 'CallingMap({'ipjailmatches': at 0x292be60>, 'matches': 'Sep 1 12:20:25 mds-station sshd[21411]: Did not receive identification string from', 'ip': '', 'ipmatches': at 0x292bd70>, 'ipfailures': at 0x292bed8>, 'time': 1448753615.846694, 'failures': 1, 'ipjailfailures': at 0x292bf50>})': Error banning
Пришлось поставить "bantime = 4294967" как максимально возможное время бана.
administrating linux