Sep 16, 2005 18:35
SWAG463: hey
SWAG463: havent seen your ass in a while
XCGTCS: my ass been working
SWAG463: at ebash or what
SWAG463: ???
SWAG463: death on a stick was tellin me you are goin to ISU now
XCGTCS: that i am
SWAG463: good job
XCGTCS: yha butnow i got to stay there and get a good schooling
SWAG463: :'(
SWAG463: staying here ^^^
SWAG463: dude i had a very ilaberate dream with you in it
SWAG463: hahaha
XCGTCS: do tell
SWAG463: there were zombies explosions and fire adn a gun and cigares
SWAG463: no but seriusly it was the scariest dream i think i have ever had
SWAG463: haha
SWAG463: ok well i wake up and i walk into the front room and there is like this breaking news thing fuzzzing in and out on the TV and my da nad uncle are sitting there saying good bye to my mom and sis and they walk out the back door and then sprint and then my dad tells me they are taking off in the car and i se them drive away
XCGTCS: i had one like that and it was heven
SWAG463: and i see my uncle cleaning his hand gun and i was like what the fuck is goign on
SWAG463: and he was like look out the window just the some one runs out across the street infront of my house and then they get atacted by this crazy lady
SWAG463: and then like 20 others come out and maul themripping them to sheds
SWAG463: and then i shut the dorr and board it back up
SWAG463: and then my da is like well i dont know how we are gonan get out of here
SWAG463: adn then like my uncle steps outside with the gun all i hear is blam blam
SWAG463: and then my da runs outside
SWAG463: but i saty in
SWAG463: and then like a day passes and all i hear is like crashes and bangs against the side of my house
SWAG463: and so then i get my phone and it has reception and im surprised and i call you
SWAG463: then i jump into like a 3erd person of you
SWAG463: and i hear me saying i dont know what to do they are all dead
SWAG463: and then you are like of i got a set up here in west T im coming to get you
XCGTCS: head shoots head shoots head shotts
SWAG463: and you hang up and then you drive to my house
SWAG463: but whe nyou get to that bridge cars are like fliped over the edge and people are runnign and shit but some how you make it threw unscaved
XCGTCS: metro?
SWAG463: and you make it to my house
SWAG463: i see my on my front lawn looking for you
SWAG463: and you drive up
SWAG463: i run back up to my porch for some reason and as im headed there i se somthing peek around the corner ande then sprint at me
SWAG463: i freeze up i cant move
SWAG463: i feel somthing grabbing my foot
SWAG463: and i wake up
SWAG463: it scared me sooo bad
XCGTCS: dam that is a epic dream
SWAG463: yeha i know i never dream
XCGTCS: i think we need cigars over that one
SWAG463: and then that night it was like blam a god damn movie in my mind
SWAG463: wait i think i know why
SWAG463: you knw how people always say your mind is more clear once youve had sex
SWAG463: well that nigh ;-) yeah
SWAG463: night*
XCGTCS: props
SWAG463: but that still doesnt explain the zombies
SWAG463: the wierd thing is thats a reoccuring drea m
SWAG463: i have had it 2 times alreadyt
XCGTCS: to much hl
XCGTCS: man i am saving that
SWAG463: my dream
SWAG463: haha
SWAG463: its fucked up
XCGTCS: thats cool though that its that vived
XCGTCS: i mean might have sucked when u were in it
SWAG463: yeha
SWAG463: i dont knwo why you came in
SWAG463: i think it was because i needed a gun or somthing and i was like gun nut jerom
XCGTCS: hehehe
SWAG463: hehehehe
SWAG463: thats scary thing of you doing a hehe insted of a haha
XCGTCS: hehehehe
XCGTCS: its more sinester