I went out to providence again last night. I arrived there around 10:30. Since wheels is closed, I went to this other bar around the corner. I believe it is called energy. It was once a club, but they built condos above it so they lost the club license because of sound proofing issues and are now a bar. They are supposed to be a club again soon. But why would you want to live above a club? Not many people were at that place. Mostly old guys. I sat at the bar and got a drink. The bartender was wicked cute. He's asian and his name is Brian. I talked to a few people there. This one old guy sitting next to me was funny.
old guy says " Oh, I'm running out of money, I'm going to have to go outside and suck some dick." It was funny when he said it. He also mentioned that he is going to have this heart surgery soon and believes he is not going to make the surgery. He had a dream that he died. So I hung out there for awhile and chatted with Brian, the old guy and few other people. Around 12:00, I decided to go over to the dance club. Said goodbye and Brian gave me a hug.
So I'm at the dance club, Superman shows up about 20 minutes later with his cousin, her husband, and their freind Nancy. (I texted him earlier and he said he wasn't sure if he could make it). Of course the girls have to use the bathroom and they were in there forever. Superman goes in to check and they stay it there for awhile. Again it seems like forever. They finaly come out. Superman's cousin, she take me by the arm and said something like "if you want my cousin you have to get by me." OK.... She wanted to dance wiht me. Ok....I haven't danced with a girl in awhile. Superman was dancing with Nancy practicaly all night. Straight guy just watching most of the night. I only danced with her for a little while then I went over and stood next to straight guy watching. Then some guy comes next to me and starts dancing with me for a few minutes. Then I go back and watch some more. Meanwhile superman was still dancing with Nancy.
While I'm watching, A few people asked me to dance. I said no. I seemed to be very popular last night.
Mathew' s boyfreind was there with his freinds. I was polite and said hello and asked where Mathew was. He was at home. I think they were talking about me. He kept looking over and pointed over a few times. Anyway, the girls and Superman go to the bathroom or someplace. Again they took forever. (girls seem like they would be alot of maintaince. Sounds like to much work to get the pussycat to me) So me and straight guy are stranded there, This is actually when a few guys ask me to dance.
Waiting, wating, waiting, Superman finally comes back and we go upstairs and he buys straight guy a drink. Mathews boyfriend is also at that bar. I think he wants to see who I'm with. We find the girls again. Then we go back downstairs and we dance some more. Superman and Nancy, and Me and Superman's cousin. (this is a gay club that we are at.) Then we stop dancing. Its a litle after 1:00. We walk over there, next to the bar. Me and Superman lose the staight people somehow. So where next to the downstairs bar next to the dance floor. Mathew's boyfreind is there standing behind me. He started grabbing my ass and he asked if Superman was my boyfriend. No, just freinds. Finally me and Superman dance for a few minutes. It was a three-some. Me, Superman and some other guy. We were all dancing.
Now its 2:00 and the club closes. It took forever to find everyone, Mathew's boyfriend said goodbye. That seemed strange to me. He seemed to want to talk to me alot. Long story short. We leave.
We are outside now, Me, Superman and his cousing, Waiting for Nancy and straight guy. A local T.V. meteorologist was there outside with us and talked to us for a few minutes. We are finally all together and we head to our cars. Superman's cousin is a little wasted. She says she likes me and gives me a kiss on the lips and says something about how adorable I am. and "how can you resist this cute face." Thanks i guess.
Here's the finalley.
We're walking back to our cars. We are a few blocks from the club and on a main street next to P-PAC. Then a group of guys out of nowhare jumps us. This kinda ruined the night. There was like 8 of them and I have no idea why they decided to jump us. I think it was just wrong place at the wrong time None of us got hurt. So they punch each one of us about 3-4 times, except the girls. Then they run into their car and take of. It was so unexpected that you really couldnt' fight back at first. But just when I was about ready to be able to fight back, they run away. No one got hurt. One of the girls called 911 and supposedly got part of the license plate. But the cops never showed up. So we left. I would just like to know why? I only got hit in the ear and the back of my head. I don't know where Superman or Straight guy got punched, but no one was bleeding or anything. I didn't even see them getting hit. I wanted to fight him, but the bastard took off. Probably for the better. Who knows, maybe they had guns or something, and there was alot more of them.
We finaly leave. I didn't get home until like 3:30 and I'm wicked exhausted today. I texted Superman to see if he was ok. He said he was fine. But for some reason, I feel guilty about it. Like it was my fault we got jumped.