standing by the ocean in naked emotion

Dec 04, 2004 16:08

in every occuring moment you think twice a symptom too identify the excuse...
yes, well now past the errelevent comments..Ijsut had to get out of me, this week is deffinately showing the transition from november to december...itsg ettign better, though damn japan! haha have fun! I was at them all the other day, liek the majority of you people..and this guy wash anding out free!! yes, he said 21 and I wanted to see how much this man actually checks the age. no he did not, I have a stainless steel, 5 dollar value, 3 year waranty 7 inch knife now, me and my mom coudlnt believe the man...even worse was he was demonstratign what it could cut through..and yes he mentioned, it coudl saw right throug bone marrow...whiel specualtign this...he suddenly took out a stell hammer...and cut through that too...haha he said these knifes..last peopel al ifetime...eeek, no mroe about knives..but still..rediculous, whos seen that new johnny depp film? who wants a canon ae-1..because that jsut not hitting thep otential ..peopel so proclaim it does, ...ah well,
Love, Ryan
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