I'm gonna be 23 on Friday. UGHHHH I FEEL SO OLD GOD DAMN when did I stop being nine this is uncool
I'm not even going to do anything, haha. Just work. At least I know my mom got me a new pen for my damn tablet, so that's super exciting! (My last one broke summer 2009 and I've just been too herp derp to actually order a new one.) Relearning photoshop is going to suuuuck; I've completely forgotten how to do just about everything (and I was never all that good at it in the first place D:).
I'll be able to pchat and such, though, if anyone ever feels up to it! Yeyyyy. Maybe this'll get me back into drawing, too! Who knows.
Oh wow it's already 1 AM.
What a useless post orz
Have a completely unrelated picture of the SMT Moirae Sisters because it's the last thing I looked at