(no subject)

Sep 05, 2011 17:50

Hello LiveJournal,

Sorry I've been gone so long. I don't even remember the last time I posted. It wouldn't be hard to look, but I'm not gonna.

Well, I got married. The wedding was sweet, you should have been there. The ceremony was 3 minutes and 16 seconds long, including the walking up and down the isle. No one was ready because they weren't watching they wrist clocks, so I just started walking at 2pm with most people standing. They got the hint pretty fast. Then we ate food, played yard games (and Euchre) and hung out in the 95 degree heat in my Dad's back yard. It was a pretty great time.

Now summer is over. It's 55 degrees here right now and there's a frost advisory. Fall is the saddest season, by far. The way the sun settles on everything brings back sad memories I just can't fully remember. So I'm sad for no reason. It isn't like being sad in the winter when the sun doesn't last very long, because I know why I'm sad then. I don't know why fall makes me so sad. It is a very pretty season, though. So I go from being very sad to happy in a matter of seconds. Dumb.

I'll talk to you guys later. Hope all is well.
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