Apr 13, 2009 20:06
It's been a while since I had an amazing night like I did on Saturdays. My babygirl had just come back from spring break and flew out to Jersey before she headed back upstate NY for school. We had they most beautiful night ever. We had a very lovely dinner followed by a movie and then a romantic walk on the boardwalk. After which we went back to her apartment and hung out. We were lying in her bed and just talking, of course we made out passionately- haha. I gave her two strawberries on her neck- I didn't know they called (hickey)- strawberries but I learn something new. After making out for a lil bit, she began to go over pictures from her spring break. We sat for hours just chitty chatting and just cuddling. She rest her head on my chest and I could feel her warmth next to me. Sex didn't even cross out minds believe it or not, it's funny we are so comfotable around each other and don't need to think about that subject. I honestly care deeply for her and for the first time in a long time I see myself happy and content again. She's so amazing in so many ways and yet so honest and passionate about life and actrually inspires me to be like someone for once. Usually, I'm the strong one in a relationship and this is prolly the first relationship where someone meets me half way. I gave her a diary as a gift Saturday and ask her to make me a promise. It was very cute, it's was made with a wood vaner cover and highly design with beautiful flowers and ornaments. I told her to write all our memories in here that we will share and built a life story with me with this gift. Of course she cried but tears of joy and happily said YES. We haven't said we loved each yet but it definitely building towards that. I'm truely happy with my life again. Finally got my life back in order- thank you. I think I finally met my match in life, I think the work soumate might be coming to terms in my life again, a challenge that actrully tests me for once- haha. I don't have to go out on the limb to meet her ever or worry about her, ask what she doing, or who she with or even wonder if my babygirl is crying at night. She's a strong person but I also know her fears and her weaknesses, since I'm the only person she has ever told. Trust is what we are building and I know it will go far. I once crossed my heart out saying I would never let another person have it or even get close to it because of the way I got it back- in lil bits of pieces. I now know a person cannot say such a thing. I also was a firm believer of fate, which I'm no longer believe in. A person can chose their own fate, and make it whatever they want it to be. A lot of things I used to believe in, I no longer see thing the same as I use to. I do know I'm always going to be the same person everyone knows me as. My character will never change but my outlooks on life will vary from now on. I may not have all the answers in life but I can honestly say I love where my life is heading and people that heading in it with me. It's so funny, exactly a year ago I was down and out, I was really really sick and still coping from a heart break and year to the date later I'm at my peak of happiness again. I guess good things do happen to good people and especially people with good hearts. Thanks baby girl- muah.