Mar 28, 2015 23:07
I have read the rules/law about proper creditting and stuff...
I, myself, wants to be acknowledged before when I post edited pics, scans, etc. But, lately, I don't have any problem with it anymore. Now my rant:
I don't know why they get mad with people who don't put credits. Like me, I sometimes forgot where I got it, but if it's an edited pic, I state that I didn't do it.
First of, though you edited the picture, it is still not yours. The edits, of course it's yours, but you don't own the actual pic. The copyright still goes to the photographer and publisher. You could just put "Edited by: (whatever your friggin' name is)"
If it is a scanned pic, why are you so mad?! The thing you scanned is not really yours! Yes, you bought it, but you just bought the rights to use that thing! Not the rights of the label! And you're not the photographer! So if you scan it, it's still ain't yours! And do you really have to be mentioned?! What if someone scanned it as well?! You just want FAME that's why you want to be acknowledged! The copyright goes to the publisher/company! You could just STATE that you SCANNED it for other fangirls who can't afford to buy whatever that heck is!
Next, screen captures, don't get mad if someone posted your screencap around. Just inform the person that you felt offended for taking the screep cap fo his/her own good. Well, screen capturing something from a show is not allowed, actually.
You can credit it to yourselves if it's really from you, you took the photo, you created the image, simply, WHEN IT IS REALLY YOURS!
proper creditting,