Nov 19, 2007 10:02
Scowl, and stuff.
Had NUS State Conference this weekend. Couple of ranty points, mostly about Alice.
1. It was held at Murdoch even though only 2 Murdoch delegates could attend, because Alice wanted to follow the guys she's in love with around like a disturbing and annoying puppy, and because nobody elses life or ability to get there matters.
2. When he wasn't there, she was shitty, cantankerous and petty.
3. In her annual report (which she delivered verbally because she couldn't be bothered wrtiting it) she basically said thanks ppl for being there even though the year was shit, and that it wasn't her fault, and thankyou to Shane for teaching me I could detest someone as musch as I do you. Oh, and failed to mmention anything about the Guild itself.
4. She gave a gift of warm raw meat and red cordial to Murdoch Guild Rep because she wanted to take a stab at them for running using BBQ's etc in their election campaign against her crush (and winning). It was petty, it was diwsgusting, and the person she intended to give it to is a vegitarian. Way to represent our Guild, you petty childish cruel specimen of humanity.
Noetheless it went well and Eden got elected as next year's NUS West State Pres (yay!). There were no Curtin Delegates and few UWA etc delegates, so turnout was v. disappointing and Quorum hard to achieve, wasting a lot of everyone's time. Scowl.
On a brighter note...
The rest of the weekend was genuinely good. Went to an intimate but awesome party on Sat night.
Sunday we headed up to Lesmurdie to test out how many people will fit in a 3 person portable spa... quite a few it would seem ;) Made for a good day, and as usual the punch, brewed the night before; was lethal.
Just got home now. You know the weekend is over when your phone dies ;)
Sigh. Back to work I suppose...