Dum de dum. The weekend has, thus far, not been kind to me, and the two people I've wanted to talk to for the past few days I haven't managed to catch online once. Granted, the time difference with one is a little crazy, but anyway. It has made for a very unhappy Taelor. /o\ Stupid drama, I am tired of you! And my wrist hurts, but that's neither here nor there. Luckily, the two MADTV videos
mockturtletale sent me the other day, listening obsessively to Hey Monday and, as always,
cellophne_chst have managed to make it all a bit better.
IN OTHER, not ranting news, my big bang is going well! It's a little hard to write it in parts, but it's mostly going well, and I'm excited to write more of it. I have about 5,000 words, but I think it's going to end up being longer than 20,000. Who knows! I'm also reading a horrible book for school, but it's horrible in the way that it's mildly entertaining to read because it is just that bad. Hopefully I'll be done with it soon and I can get back to reading what I want to read. Bum bum bum... Not much else to say. I'm really hoping I move to Chicago instead of Detroit now, though. I really, really like the school I visited there on Wednesday. There's a strong possibility I liked it so much because of all the hot guys, but you couldn't prove it if it was. It'd be weird to end up graduating from the same school my mom graduated from. Really, really weird.
The end! Flist, I hope your week(end) is going/has gone better than mine has this far.