
Jul 24, 2012 21:52

So I started watching Teen Wolf. I blame this entirely on mockturtletale, for no real reason other than that I CAN. She is the reason for all the worst (read: best) things in my life. I also finished watching Teen Wolf in about three days, which all things considered is not necessarily all that impressive (I mean, there are only 21 episodes), but I feel like my life has been consumed by it. Yesterday at work, I was really excited to get home because I wanted to watch more, and today at work I was heartbroken because I could not come home and watch more, because there was no more to watch.

I'm in love with it. It is of course ridiculous, and the special effects are awful, and for something that's aired on Music TV, I seriously question its musical choices sometimes, but I have a LOT of feelings about it. Most of which were shouted at darelose, who generously offered to rewatch the series while I watched it, which -- thank GOD, I could not have done that on my own. She also conned me into promising to write her Teen Wolf FIC? She's sneaky. But the joke's on her, because she promised ME fic, and hers is going to be 100x better than anything I write.

Speaking of fic, though, if anyone here ships Stiles/Derek and could explain to me why, that would be cool? I can maybe ship it in a theoretical sense, if there were some character development on both ends (and some character interaction other than trying to make sure everyone they know stays alive), but in the actual show....... I just don't see it at ALL. It's actually one of the ships I can see the LEAST in the show, I just really don't see any chemistry between them? And if someone else does and could point that out to me, I'd totally be up for that, because I'm interested in seeing how everyone else looks at their relationship!

On another note, though, this has been a really weird couple of weeks and I'm not sure why. It has been an emotional ROLLERCOASTER which has been wholly exhausting and pretty much the only time things feel even are when I'm chatting with mockturtletale, which hasn't even happened much because I'm the worst and can't manage to figure out a schedule whereby I'm not at work or asleep while she's awake. The universe is conspiring to ruin us, starting with One Direction and now by KEEPING US APART, and it's not cool. That wasn't a tangent I'd intended to go on, but whatever.

Work is okay, I guess. I work every day for the next ... until next Friday. Then I have Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (my birthday!!!!!) off, and LOLLAPALOOZA IS HAPPENING AND I CANNOT FUCKING WAIT, and then back to work. I still need another job, ideally, or some steadier work with the circus, but I'm getting by.

Seeing the same four people, and very few other people, every day for the past two months is really getting to me. I had to go downtown and sit in a park and breathe for an hour after work today just so I could try to calm down away from my apartment and neighborhood and I still felt incredibly on edge and irritable as soon as I walked in the door and made a beeline for my room. I'm going home for the weekend in a couple of weeks, or going back to visit my mom or however you want to phrase that, home is such a strange fucking concept, who even came up with it -- I'm going back to Detroit in two and a half weeks, after my birthday, and it'll be really nice to get away, I think. I'd go visit some family in the suburbs this weekend but I have to work every day, alas.

I bought A Game of Thrones today, the book, and I'm going to go read it in an hour or so before I go to bed hopefully by midnight. I've been sleeping TERRIBLY recently, the most I've gotten in the past two weeks or so having been last night when I got 5 hours from 5am to 10am, and I'm hoping I've gotten to the point where I can pass out by like .... midnight tonight or something and sleep until 7:30. I bought some melatonin at the CVS yesterday on a few peoples' recommendation, but it's my last attempt before I go see a doctor about this. On that note, though, after six years (I think this weekend is officially my six year anniversary actually! Is it weird that I can like....pinpoint the exact night that I stopped being able to sleep? Is that indicative of some kind of trauma? I don't recall it being a traumatic night, but whenever I think about the fact that I know the exact day that I stopped being able to sleep, it's just really weird.) -- after six years, my mother has determined that this is not "just a phase," and has agreed to help me find a doctor if this melatonin thing doesn't work out! So that's exciting!! Or something!! I'm really hoping this melatonin will work though because any and all sleeping pills I've tried in the past just make me unholy levels of groggy and feeling fucking weird the next morning. But I'm also really sick of not sleeping, so.

I'm really excited about GOT, though, I read the prologue in the park this afternoon and I'm excited to get back to it.

That's all, folks! I hope you're all doing well and enjoying the summer and whatnot!!

rl, etc, too lazy for tagging

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