Title : A Fallen Angel
Pairing : Jin/Yamapi/Ryo/
Rating : PG 13
Genre : Romance, AU
Summary : There is no summary yet cause I don't know how the plot will go. So Just enjoy every chapter that I will post.
Chapter 2
"Come on let's eat, I will be leaving after we eat." Ryo said, he get back to the place he was before.
"Why? are you not going to sleep here." Yamapi asked.
"We'll I'll be going to Osaka for 3 weeks." Ryo replied with caution on his eyes.
"What, I've just arrive and now you are the one who will be gone." Yamapi said pouting his lips ready to have a bad mood.
"I'am needed to be in Osaka my family need me." Ryo said.
"Oh, Okay, we'll be you leaving, we should spend sometime now so you don't go home today." Yamapi said to Ryo.
"I'm sorry, I really just came here to say goodbyes my flight will be in 1 hour and you can't come to me at the airport that was our deal right. When we are going away we don't have to come to the airport to say goodbyes." Ryo said to his boyfriend.
"But....."Yamapi said
"No Buts, and you have someone to take care off here, You just can't leave him behind." Ryo said.
"I don't know if I like you kindness today." Pi-chan said. "okay lets eat but I will walk you to your apartment." Yamapi said.
When he came back from Ryo apartment he check the stranger in the guest room. The stranger was facing the wall he see that he is tall like his height little slender than him and a brown straight with little curls or its is hazel brown His wings was white as a cloud with a red on one wings. Ah it's because that were the damage are.
The stranger move and make his body turn around facing Yamapi who was shock when he see the face of the stranger.
"Jin....." He said softly. The realization of this, make Yamapi leave the guest room. It can't not be happening, Jin was his first love, his true love not that he doesn't love Ryo but he died a long time ago.
He sat at the couch trying to cope with the situation. Many questions was coming in his head. It's is real? Is he the real Jin? Why he is here? Does he now that past? Yamapi head was aching. Then he heard a noise coming behind him.
"Thank for the help." Jin said to the man that was on the couch. Then Yamapi slowly turn around.
"Pi-chan....?" Jin said softly.
"Jin.." Yamapi said. Silently envelope them.
"You're back, or You're an Angel?" Yamapi said to Jin. He misses Jin so much. When Jin died he really lost his will to live but when Ryo came to his life it bring him back to life. Thinking about Ryo, Yamapi calm down himself not to broke down and started crying.
"We'll, yes for both of the questions." Jin said smiling at Yamapi he misses this guy but fate didn't give them a chance he died.
"How are you? I think you're doing fine now." Jin said
"How did you know." Yamapi asked.
"I know, I always watching you and keeping you safe." Jin said. They were silence....
"Why are you here? What happen to your wing." Yamapi said.
"There a battle in the sky between good and bad, my wing is damage so I'm in human form." Jin said
"No you're not, you still have wings." Yamapi said teasing Jin.
"Yeah" Jin said laughing.
"Are you hungry? There still food that Ryo makes." Yamapi said that make them silence again.
"He love you so much." Jin said
"I know, but...." Yamapi said seeing Jin it felt that he lost his love to Ryo.
"Don't I will not last here. I just have to heal my wound and go back to heaven." Jin said
"But..... I still love you." Yamapi saying it with a softly.
Jin did not comment on that he just stared at Yamapi and saying to his self. 'I Love you too and loving you still.
To be continued.