[Fic] Suzaku Reborn

Feb 25, 2013 14:28

Title: Suzaku Reborn
Pairing: PiKame (Main)
Disclamier: There not mine only the story
Rating: PG13 to NC-17
Genre: Mystery, Friendship, Romance and Slash
Summary:  Miaka Rose was turning 18 when she got a book from their forbidden room in their house.  A light flashing from her eyes and finding herself in a dressing room in Johnny Entertainment Building.

A/N: I don't know if I should post it here but I promise my friend Lori to beta it for me but I can't help it posting.  So this Prologue is not beta-but the second will be. Fushigi Yugi - Mysterious Play Crossover JE


It has been said that a young virgin girl is pulled into “The Universe of the Four Gods”, a mysterious book to become one of the Priestess destined to gather seven Celestial Warriors in order to summon one of the Gods and obtain three wishes.

A young girl name Miaka was pulled on ancient times to gain the power of Suzaku, the God of the southern sky, and wish according to what she wanted and Married one of the reincarnation of her Suzaku warrior, Tamahome. (Taro).

p-pikame, c-yamashita tomohisa, c-kamenashi kazuya

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