
Mar 14, 2012 09:38

Chapter 7 - The Little Rescue

Yamapi was reckless it the first time he was not around for Kame, in the previous his mission he included the younger one if he knows that he will not comeback  around 2 to 3 am or he always come home within that time.

“Pi! Stop moving around!  I can’t sleep when something is moving on the room!” Ryo said as he sat up angrily and looking at his best friend.

“I’m sorry Ryo, I just make a call.  You can sleep now I just here in the balcony.” Yamapi said as he goes to the balcony with his phone.  He dialed a number that he knows very well.

“Moshi, Moshi” The other line said.

“Jin?” Yamapi said as he was more worried now, why does Jin answer Kame phone.

“Pi!  Thanks God you call!” Jin said on the other line that make Yamapi worried more then Jin told him that Kame was in the bathroom crying so he asked Jin to tell Kame that he is on the other line,  He waited as he heard the younger one voice.

“Pi?” Kame said in a shaky voice.

“Kazu are you alright?  Did you have those nightmares again?” Yamapi asked as he was worried for the other guy.

“Pi, I don’t want it anymore, I’m sacred!” Kame said panicking.

“Hush! Love, I’m here don’t worry I will not allow them to get you anymore!” Yamapi said he grip this phone hard.

“I need you here!  When are you (sob) going to (sob) come back?” Kame said while sobbing.

“I don’t know when I will be back but Jin, Tatsuya and Junno will be there to protect you so you don’t have to worry so much.  And you don’t want me to worry too much for you right?  You’re a big man now and beautiful.” Yamapi said as he teases Kame to light up the mood.

“Don’t tease me! (Pout) I’ll show you I’m big now and I will not let you worry.” Kame said pouting even he did not see the other one.

“That my Kazu-chan!” Yamapi said chuckling at the other line.

“Pi, be safe and return home. Please!!!!” Kame said to the other guy.

“I will try to get back early, now be strong until I come back!  And can you please be nice with Jin he really panicking and worried about you.” Yamapi said sweetly to the other one.

“I… I try.” Kame said softly.

“I don’t know why you are mad at Jin; I know that sometime you get to each other nerves but there something different the way you mad at him.” Yamapi asked cautiously.

“I don’t know what your talking, I’m going back to sleep now!” Kame said not wanting to answer his question.

“Okay, I get it.  Sleep tight and be a good boy.” Yamapi said teasing Kame.

“I will and you know that I love you right?” Kame said to the other one.

“I know and I love you too.  We all love you so be safe for us.” Yamapi said as they said goodbye with each other.


Jin was in his room, he was still worried for Kame but he was puzzled why the younger one is so mad at him and why he have nightmare that make him so scared.  He has to talk to Yamapi, he thinks that Yamapi know what Kame nightmare then his phone rings.

“Pi?” Jin said as he answers his phone.

“Jin, I know you have so many question but I asked first why is that you answer Kame phone awhile ago?” Yamapi question him

“He is in the guest room beside my room in Akanishi Mansion.” Jin he sight.  He has so many explaining to do. The other line is quiet it means that Yamapi will let him explain first before he will comment.

“I force him to be with me while you are away; I like to know why he is mad at me. And in the end we could be a good friend.” Jin said to him but he did not know if Yamapi will take it as a good thing or a bad thing.

“Okay, thanks Jin, I really appreciate that you make a move to be friend with Kazu.” Yamapi said grateful that make Jin effort to be friend with Kame.

“It’s not really a big deal” Jin said nervously and frighten that Yamapi will know his real intention.

“I know that you also want to know about Kame nightmare right?” Yamapi said to him.

“Yes, I want to know about it and I want to help him too.” Jin said sincerely.

“Okay I will tell you.” Yamapi said.

Flashback (Yamapi POV)

I was ten that time when I see Kazu-chan was goes everyday at the same time in that playground.  I was curios about it and try to follow him, I hide in the big tree first I thought that he love to play on the swing but he seat on the bench in the playground like waiting for someone.  15 minutes later a man grabs him and put something on his mouth that he can’t shout.  I want to got to him but the man was huge I can’t help him by only me so I decided to follow him and Kazu-chan.

Luck was on my side that I find a cab that I asked for help to follow the man that who get Kazu-chan, we follow them secretly.

When they reach their destination, I and the taxi drive call my parents and the police to rescue Kazu-chan.

The police arrest the men that were guarding him and we find him at a room that was locked and he was in there naked on the floor his clothing was everywhere, full of bruises on his body and unconscious.

I immediately pull out my jacket and wrapped it to him and run him to a nearby hospital.

The doctor said that he was not yet rape but been molested and that will make trauma for him.  He will not be the same again.

End of Flashback

“That why he was so shy and he always clingy to me for many years.” Yamapi said to Jin as they both tightly grip on the phone and fist close angry was being seen on their eyes.

“Who is that bastard that does it to him” Jin said angrily.

“He is the same person who kidnapped us.” Yamapi said fist close.

“The Isahi?” Jin asked confused

“Yes, the Isahi leader was the one who kidnapped Kazu-chan.” Yamapi gritted his teeth hated shown in his face.

“Why? How did you know?” Jin asked his leader.

“I saw him when we are kidnapped that why I draw some dot in Kazu-chan face when they try to enter our school bus and put an eye glasses to him.” Yamapi said as he remembers how he has to make Kame to be unknown to the leader of Isahi.

“Yah, I remember.” Jin said as he remember the shock he have when he saw the face of the younger one but he didn’t utter a word.

“So please take care of Kazu-chan, I know the leader is still looking for him.  I don’t know why but I think it not about money.” Yamapi said to Jin.

“What do you think he want for Kame?” Jin asked puzzled.

“He wants Kazu for himself.” Yamapi said firmly and angrily.

“I will protect him.” Jin makes his hand into a fist.

“Thanks you Jin, I leave all to you then.” Yamapi said and close his phone when he enter the room he see Ryo angry face.

“Is that true?” Ryo asked him not even blinking.

“Hai” Yamapi said as he looked at Ryo eyes.

“Then we have to get him and punish him for our friends and Kame-chan” Ryo said firm with angry in his eyes.

Yamapi looked at Ryo, he see the resolve of the other and he just nodded to the other one and they goes back to sleep for tomorrow they will bring down Isahi group.


Jin put down the phone, we can't believe what happen to Kame the day he was late for their meeting place. Indeed it was his fault if he is not late that bad guy will never have him.

"Kazu I'm sorry, I will protect you no matter what.  I will never leave you again." Jin said to himself and plans how to make Kame forgive him and be close to him again.

To be continued.

c-nishikido ryo, c-tegoshi yuya, c-kamenashi kazuya, c-junno taguchi, p-akame, p-matsupi, p-junda, p-ryotego, c-jin akaneshi, c-tanaka koki, c-yamashita tomohisa, c-matsumoto jun, c-nakamura yuchi, c-ueda tatsuya, p-tanaka

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