
Mar 13, 2012 08:53

Chapter 6 - Akanishi Mansion

Jin stop working at exactly 5pm, he started to gathered his thing to order for the next day.  He sighted as he looked at the hidden door, tiredness on his face and worry that he will face again the younger one.  He stands up and walks to the button to open the hidden door.

“Are you ready to go?” Jin said as he looked at the younger one who is seating perfectly on the seat near the computer.  Kame just looked at him bored and does again what he is doing not minding the other one.

“Hi Jin, how is the president of the hotel doing?” Tatsuya said he save the other one face when the younger one snob the other.

“Hi, Tat-chan, I’m fine and how is the princess of the team?” Jin chuckle and seat near the computer too to talk with Tatsuya who is in the headquarter monitoring the two mission.

“Ha, ha, ha, you still sweet as you are and still a baka.  We just talked a while ago.” Tatsuya said sweetly on Jin.  The two busy chatting not seeing the younger one frowned as they talk with each other.  Kame stands and gathers his luggage as he looked pissed with the two who is chatting happily.  He looked at Junno, but the other was busy doing his job and not minding how Jin and Tatsuya talking with each other.

“Ehem!” Kame said louder for the two to hear him, the two looked at him and see him frowning with pissed in his face.

“Are we going yet?” Kame pouted as he drags his luggage out of the room.

“Were going!” Jin said as he stood up the seat and looked at Tatsuya with a puzzled looked, Tatsuya just nodded to Jin to say that it okay before the younger one exploded.

“Junno take care of the things here and you know your room right?  Update me if anything happen.” Jin said as he looked at Junno and the other just nodded.

“Let’s go!  Need any help?” Jin asked the younger one who is trying hard to drag his luggage.

“No I can manage!” Kame said as he pushed his heavy luggage.

“What in your luggage that you can’t lift it?” Jin asked as he sees the younger one having hard to lift his luggage.

“It’s not of your business!” Kame hissed at the older one.

“Okay, okay suite yourself!” Jin said as he goes out of the room passing through the younger one.

Kame tries harder to get the luggage out but it was heavy to him then he looked at Junno with puppy eyes and the other knows what to do.

“You know you’re too stubborn, Jin already gives his assistant to you but you still refuse.” Junno said as smile at the younger one while he helps him drag the luggage out of the room.  Jin was waiting outside now frowning seeing Junno was helping in the luggage.

“Junno I’ll take it from here.” Jin said as he grab the luggage and put it on a push cart, when Junno was back on the hidden room Jin call the bellboy to take the luggage down.

“Maru, we are going now his job will start tomorrow.” Jin told Maru and grab the younger one wrist as he walk to the elevator.  Kame didn’t say anything he just silent while he felt Jin hand on his wrist, he felt nervous and calm at the same time.  He didn’t allow somebody to touch him, okay he can hugged his friends and touch them but Jin is not a friend but he felt warm and calm in Jin touch.


When they arrive at Akanishi Mansion, Jin parents are waiting for them at the living room, as the maid took their belongings to where they would stay in that mansion.

“Jin welcome back!” Jin mother said a she hugs his eldest son.

“Good to see you mother” Jin as he hugged his mother tight and kiss her forehead.

“Nii-chan!” Reio shouted as he runs toward his brother.

“Reio, how is the Osaka branch I heard that it doing well.” Jin said as he hugged his brother.

“Of course it will do we’ll, I’m managing it.” Reio said proudly.

“Welcome home son.” Jin father said as he hugs his eldest son.

“Thanks father.” Jin said as he hugs back. Kame smiles as he sees how Jin family welcome the other one but he felt sad deep inside his heart that he can’t do it with his own family and his anger with Jin rose up again.

“Welcome to our home Kazuya.” Jin mother said as he goes toward the younger one as he guide the younger one to seat at the couch.

“Thank you” Kame said politely at the woman.

“Kame-chan, are you going to live here?” Reio said as he sat beside Kame in the couch.

“Yes” Kame smiles at Ryo as genuine smile that make Jin heart jumps.

“Yes!  I will have someone to talk too, there are boring because there not same age as I am.” Reio said as he hugged Kame.

“Reio! Get you’re hand off him.” Jin shouts at his brother.

“Nii-chan, Kame-chan is fine when I hugged him.  I’m right, Kame-chan?” Reio looked at Kame with puppy eyes.

“Yes it alright to hug me, Reio.” Kame said as he hugged the other one.  Kame and Reio really close with each other, they exchange e-mail together.

“Don’t be so rude Jin come on let’s eat.” Jin mother say as she stands up and grab Kame hand to guide the younger one to the kitchen.  Reio follows them but looked back at his brother and put out his mouth teasing Jin.


At the dinner table, Kame was just silent he just looked how Akanishi family talking about their days without each other.  Envy was in his heart, he can’t ever be like this to his parent and nii-chan because he has to be safe.

“Jin we are going to Osaka after dinner and we will be back two weeks from now, are you two going be okay here?” His mother told him.

“Why are you going for Osaka?” Jin asked his mother but looking to his brother Reio who is smiling widely at him.

“You’re brother gave us a vacation package on one of the Olsen there.  He is so generous!” His mother said as she smiles at Reio.

“Okay we will be okay here.” Jin said as he looked at Kame who is nervous that he will be alone with Jin in this mansion.

“Is that okay dear?” Jin mother said as he looked at Kame.

“That will be fine, Ma’am.  We will be always at the Hotel because of work.” Kame said politely.

“Really do you have convention there?” Jin father said to him.

“I will be working at your hotel Sir, for my thesis.” Kame told them.

“You still study? I thought you already finish your degree.” Jin father asked

“I’m taking another course, for my businesses.” Kame smiles as he said that.

“You are really a genius; I hope my sons are like you.” Jin father looked at his two sons teasing them.

“Stop teasing your sons, Kame you can call us Auntie or Uncle.  Sir and Ma’am are too formal.” Jin mother says as Kame nodded to him with a smile.


Jin heard a scream that waken him up; he looked at the watch it only 3am in the morning.  He got up and go out of his room he heard the scream from Kame rooms.

“Kame, are you alright?” Jin asked as he knock on the other rooms but know one answer him, then he heard another scream from the inside he tries to open the door.  Jin was stunned seeing the door is open, he immediately go in and see Kame wiggling in his sleep.

“Kame wakes up!” Jin said as he pat Kame cheek to wake up but Kame remained sleeping and shouting.

“No! No! Get away from me!  Mommy helps me!” Kame said as he cries in his sleep.

“Kame wakes up it just a dream!” Jin shakes him more forcefully than before to wake him up but Kame still shouting hard.

“Get away from me!  Don’t touch me!” Kame screams as he pushed Jin away from him.

“Kazu! Wakes up!  It’s just a bad dream I’m here I will protect you.” Jin hugged him tight not letting go of the younger one.

Kame stops fighting as he cries hard on the other one shoulder.

“Pi” Kame said as he hugged the other guy.  Jin flinch as he heard his best friend name at Kame, it hurts him that Kame call his best friend name not him but he know that Yamapi is Kame boyfriend so the other one think that he is Yamapi.

“I’m here.” Jin said as he caresses the younger one to calm.  Kame stop crying as realization reach him.

“Let go of me!” Kame pushes Jin hard that the other fall out of the bed.

“Kazu…” Jin said as he looked at the younger one.

“Don’t!... Get out!  I don’t want to see you!” Kame said as his tears runs down in his cheek.

“Why?” Jin said softly as he sees the younger one in pain and devastation.

“You!  It’s was your fault! It’s your fault!” Kame said as he cried.

“What is my fault?  Why are you mad at me?  I waited for so long that day in our meeting place but you never came.” Jin said as he looked at the younger one.

“Liar!  You’re the one who didn’t came and let them take me away!” Kame said as he trembles from the memory of his past.

“I do come, honest!  I was just late but I do come and waited for you.” Jin scout near Kame try to hold the other hand but Kame pull back away from him.

“Liar! Liar! Liar!” Kame said as he runs toward the bathroom and locks himself in there.

“I’m not lying!  Kame please opens this door” Jin said as he knocks harder on the bathroom worries field his heart.

Kame did not open the door but cries harder, that make Jin heart break.  Jin heard a song playing and he looked it Kame phone is ringing.

“Mochi, mochi” Jin said as he answer Kame phone with out seeing who is  the caller.

“Jin?” Yamapi said confuse on the other line.

“Pi!  Thanks God you call!” Jin said as he heard his best friend from the other line.

“What happened?  Where is Kazu?” Yamapi said in panic.

“He locked himself in the bathroom; I don’t know what to do.  He is crying!” Jin said panic all over his voice.

“Okay Jin comes down!  Knock him again and tell him that I’m on the phone.” Yamapi said to him.

“Okay.” Jin said as he gets near again in the bathroom.

“Kame, Yamapi is on the line he wants to talk to you so open the door.” Jin said as heard Kame walk to the door and open it slightly as he reach for the phone in Jin hands.

Jin waited outside the door until Kame and Yamapi finish their call, Kame already stop crying and open up the door.

“I’m going back to sleep now.  You can leave now.” Kame said in a cold voice as he get back on the bed and pull the sheet over his head.  Jin just looked at the Kame and slowly walks out of the room.

to be continued

c-nishikido ryo, c-tegoshi yuya, c-kamenashi kazuya, c-junno taguchi, p-akame, p-matsupi, p-junda, p-ryotego, c-jin akaneshi, c-tanaka koki, c-yamashita tomohisa, c-matsumoto jun, c-nakamura yuchi, c-ueda tatsuya

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