Harvest at the onset of Winter

Nov 19, 2007 14:20

I know it's coming, and there is nothing I can do about it. It usually starts with discovering a thin layer of frost on my car windows, or that my breath comes out in wispy puffs. It was when I decided to take the air conditioners out, that the grim fact was unavoidable. Winter is on the way.

I enjoy fall and winter tremendously, I think it one of the most dramatic changes in the seasons. I love to watch the brilliant display as autumn begins, and all the leaves turn a wide array of colors. Sadly, we did not get such a brilliant display, and I privately suspect that it had to do with too much sun and rainfall; but secretly I think it's the forest gnomes that are plotting against me.

Regardless, there have been several nights that have been cold; even by my standards. I love the cold, anyone can tell you that. A few years ago my sister and I were in Bermuda attending a wedding; and she walked into my hotel room to see the windows were completely fogged up. As the gooseflesh began to rise on her arms, she looked at the thermostat to see the room was at 64 degrees. She exclaimed her shock and surprise, as I lay on my bed wondering if I could get my room any colder.

Sadly, my wife does not share the same enthusiasm about winter as I do. Rosie lived most of her life in sunny Miami Florida; where the temperature rarely drops below 70 degrees year round. I recently visited Miami in January, and stared in disbelief at all of the natives walking around in heavy ski parkas, while I was regretting not bringing shorts. The temperature was around 68 degrees if I remember correctly.

We were fortunate this year, because Halloween was one of the warmer nights; and we were able to do our trick-or-treating with light coats. Oskar was wearing a long sleeve shirt under his costume and even though we brought him a jacket, he really didn't need it.

This year for Halloween Oskar wanted to be a Ninja, and we were able to find a costume for him. The Halloween hawkers were in town, the mysterious stores that crop up overnight, usually in empty or vacant stores. They sell their costumes and accessories, and then mysteriously disappear; usually as quickly as they had arrived. It was here that we purchased a magnificent Ninja costume, including nun chucks and two katanas strapped to his back. I must say, Oskar looked pretty bad ass. I would supply photos, but he was a Ninja, and they really don't like getting photographed.

He was very excited to go trick or treating; and was running from door to door ringing the doorbell and saying "trick or treat" to whoever answered. At times we had to remind him to look out for things that could trip him in the dark; while jogging down the street to keep pace with him. At times he would disappear into the shadows and gloom, and all we would see it a single glow stick bobbing in the dark. He was truly one with the shadows. I would say he was in it for the candy, but the candy that he can eat remains untouched; even weeks later. I just think he loves dressing up in a Ninja costume and trying to scare anyone who sees him. About a year ago, he saw the word "NINJA" on one of my old gaming books; and after explaining to him what a Ninja was; he decided right then that he wanted to be one for the next Halloween. But he would have difficulty saying the word, and instead of saying "Ninja", we were getting "Inn-Ja". Somehow, in his mind, the first "N" was as silent as a Ninja's deadly strike. But this Halloween he got it right, and has the costume to prove it.
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