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Midterm Essays romanywitch October 18 2006, 14:10:43 UTC
Handwave it if you want to, or write an actual essay. Works?


Re: Midterm Essays weissguy_ October 18 2006, 15:37:42 UTC
Eric writes the essay and when the mun gets time, he may actually write something, but he wants to make sure his butt is covered first


Re: Midterm Essays lovelylana October 18 2006, 15:56:20 UTC
Lana wrote a wonderfully detailed and accurate essay and also turned in stuff on runes as a makeup for the class she missed last week due to illness.


Re: Midterm Essays ranma_sao October 18 2006, 20:11:43 UTC
Ranma might have written a good essay. The world would never know however... His handwriting is such a mess that it could make even the most strong-stomached English teacher weep.


Re: Midterm Essays alchemic_bean October 18 2006, 22:52:13 UTC
Edward thought about his title for a few minutes, shrugged, and then just didn't put one.

'Magic' in the loosest sense of the word is something that produces a desired effect or result thorugh the use of incantation or various other techniques that presumably assure human control of supernatural agencies. Those other supernatural agencies may include extra-normal or paranormal energies, spells, curses, and symbols. A great deal of magic is made up of human will and belief, which is where it draws its power ( ... )


Re: Midterm Essays sakuracchyan October 18 2006, 23:24:50 UTC
Sakura handwavily writes an essay; quite detailed and fairly well-written-- if not a little distracted. She did pretty much take the class last year, so very well should


Re: Midterm Essays dude_its_jude October 19 2006, 01:19:15 UTC
Jude's tongue poked out in concentration as he wrote his essay on cursing and karma. He tried to keep it free of as many 'dude's, 'sweet's, and 'harsh's as he could. It was also the topic that reminded him the least of Starr.


Re: Midterm Essays kitty__fetish October 19 2006, 04:19:23 UTC
Alphonse did actually look over his notes before class, even if some of it either went over his head or sounded too farfetched. At least he had somewhat of an idea of what he was talking about in his essay, going a little over each topic, since he definitely had something to say about each one. It wasn't the most elaborate thing ever, but Alphonse managed to get quite a bit down.


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