Remember ME?

Jan 03, 2005 19:24

Well....It has been quite awhile since I have done anything in here. I am currently trying to get the wedding pics online. The wedding thank you's are still underway....

I have absolutely no time or patience to update you of all that has happened since MAY..*lol* Simply said...we are MARRIED. We are HAPPY. We have moved...even CLOSER to six flags/Geuaga lake if that is humanly possible....

Most family is ok.... Great Grandma Wilson died 2 weeks before the wedding.

All the puppies and kitties are a new dog :) Big surprise there. His name is "Strider." I'll let Drew tell you about him...kind of funny listening to Drew talk about a dog.

This is just a quick post to let everyone know I havent died and will be back to babble at you more form now on. :) Finally getting friends of my own on here....not just hand me downs from Drew. *hugs jeremy and pokes preston*

Hoping to flood my pages with HL people...*grins*

Introduces Drew's friends to my friends...* Umm...this is Elegant voodoo...and...peanut. *grins* Canadian Rose and Docks from HL.

I'll babble more is 7:20pm...going to go harass Drew into role playing a little bit...

Be back soon.
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