May 20, 2013 22:37
hullow romantique. has been almost a year since i've last swept of the dust here.
life has been hectic with school. real hectic.
re-read my lifejournal and i found myself rather creepy. but nonetheless i found this quiz thing i did in 2009 i think. i'm gonna re-do it now and cry.
1. First Name
jane. or whatever name you wish to call me after my approval.
2. Age
17 going on 18. i'm turning legal and it's scary.
3. Location
woodlands, still.
4. Occupation
student digging out my flesh at np chinese media and communications. media industry has always been the industry i'm interested in and i'm glad to say that i've never regretted my choice in choosing a poly.
5. Partner
attached to a wonderful boy for more than a year. he's not exactly someone that i'm specially looking out for but when i do, it's only him.
6. Kids
as little as possible in the future. no i do not want to change their diapers and listen to them cry at night.
7. Brothers/Sisters
younger brother in chs, elder brother currently studying in UK.
8. Pets
i have a pet giraffe. and my boyfriend has two dogs.
9. List the 3 Biggest Things Going On in Your Life
1. school.
2. friends.
3. boyfriend.
11. Who Are Some Of Your Closest Friends?
yeah i'm not close to any of the one i've mentioned 4 years back. zilch. as i grow older, i really understand the logic of "trust a few". treat everyone nice, and keep a few close. glad that throughout these 2 years of extreme transformation, my sn friends still stand close. not all, but those who are meant to stay, stayed.
qiaojing, claire, hanna, peiwen, zitong, grace.